Organisations are embracing the idea of hybrid IT in today's quickly changing digital landscape in order to achieve more flexibility, scalability, and cost effectiveness. The mix of on-premises and cloud-based infrastructure and services is referred to as hybrid IT. Businesses may take advantage of the best of both worlds with the help of this innovative strategy. However, maintaining such intricate hybrid settings can be difficult. Cloud Monitoring services can help in this situation by offering crucial information about the functionality and state of your IT infrastructure. This blog article will explore three potent products: VMware vRealize Log Insight, SolarWinds Cloud Monitoring Tools, and ManageEngine Applications Manager as we go into the world of hybrid IT and its subcategory, cloud monitoring.

Bringing On-Premises and Cloud Together Through Hybrid IT

In order to optimise their IT infrastructure, organisations are turning to hybrid IT as a strategic solution. Businesses may easily scale their operations up or down as needed since it blends conventional on-premises infrastructure with cloud-based resources. This strategy gives the following major advantages:


Organisations can quickly adjust to shifting business needs thanks to hybrid IT. They have the ability to adjust resource levels to match changing business needs.

Cost effectiveness:

By utilising the cloud, businesses may cut back on hardware investments and only pay for the services they actually utilise. This model has the potential to save a lot of money.

Redundancy and dependability:

By utilising both on-premises and cloud resources, hybrid IT enables redundancy. Redundancy like this improves dependability


Businesses have the freedom to select the infrastructure that is best suited for a given workload. While non-sensitive workloads can use the cloud, critical applications can run on-premises.

However, the monitoring, management, and optimisation aspects of this hybrid IT system also add complexity. Businesses use cloud monitoring services to handle these problems.

Services for Cloud Monitoring: Keeping an Eye on the Cloud

Cloud monitoring services are essential for preserving the functionality and health of hybrid IT environments. These services provide real-time analytics that assist organisations in proactive infrastructure management and optimal performance. Some essential features of cloud monitoring services include:

Performance monitoring:

Cloud monitoring services keep tabs on the efficiency of on-premises infrastructure, apps, and cloud-based resources. This involves keeping an eye on resource usage, server response times, and network latency.

Security and Compliance:

By keeping an eye on access records, user behaviour, and data security, they assist in identifying security flaws and guarantee compliance with industry rules.

Cost management:

Cloud monitoring services offer information on cost tracking and resource usage. This makes it possible for businesses to manage their cloud spending and optimise resource allocation.

Alerting and Notifications:

When certain thresholds are exceeded, users can configure alarms and get notifications. By being proactive, problems are dealt with before they have an influence on operations.

Let's explore three notable cloud monitoring products.

  1. VMware vRealize Log Insight

VMware vRealize Log Insight is a powerful log management and analytics solution designed to provide organizations with deep insights into their log data. It plays a crucial role in monitoring, troubleshooting, and optimizing the performance of IT environments, particularly those built on VMware infrastructure. This section will explore what VMware vRealize Log Insight is and how it works. VMware vRealize Log Insight is a centralized log management and analysis platform developed by VMware. It is designed to collect, analyze, and visualize log data from various sources, including servers, applications, networking devices, and cloud services.

  1. SolarWinds Cloud Monitoring Tools

SolarWinds Cloud Monitoring Tools refer to a suite of software solutions developed by SolarWinds, a renowned network and systems management software provider. These tools are designed to deliver comprehensive cloud monitoring capabilities for organizations that rely on cloud infrastructure and services. This section will explore what SolarWinds Cloud Monitoring Tools are and how they work. SolarWinds Cloud Monitoring Tools are software products and solutions that effectively monitor and manage cloud-based resources and applications. These tools cater to a wide range of cloud platforms, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

  1. ManageEngine Applications Manager

ManageEngine Applications Manager is a comprehensive application performance monitoring (APM) solution designed to help organizations gain deep insights into their critical applications' performance, availability, and reliability. This tool is pivotal in ensuring that business-critical applications operate at their peak efficiency. This section will explore what ManageEngine Applications Manager is and how it works. ManageEngine Applications Manager is a robust APM software solution developed by ManageEngine, a division of Zoho Corporation. It is tailored to monitor various applications, including web applications, servers, databases, and more, both on-premises and in the cloud.